Miranda Katz said -

People are really listening and want to consume all of the content that is there and available. There's a level of dedication that comes from podcast listeners that you don't otherwise fine. And now the numbers prove it. Podcasts aren't a bubble, they're a boom-and that boom is only getting louder.


Get inside secrets from a veteran podcaster that turn good shows into great ones and teach you the skills you need to start your own podcast using Blog Talk Radio.

CREATING A Great Show With Blog Talk Radio

Interested in creating a podcast? This online course teaches you all of the ins and outs of using Blog Talk Radio to create podcasts (live and pre-recorded), including how to get guests, record your show, edit it and add music. The course also shows you how to set up promotions on Facebook, Twitter and other social media services, gives tips on how to use Blog Talk Radio stats to fine tune your show and how to monetize it by selling ads.

  • Introduction to Blog Talk Radio

  • Creating Live Episodes

  • Having Guest Call In

  • Repurposing Content

  • Monetization

Who is Simply Podcasting?

We create professional business podcasts to keep your clientele engaged. Podcasts are becoming a widely accepted source for consumers to find industry information and news online. Today, approximately 22 weekly, roughly 32 percent of Americans listen to podcasts monthly.

Call us or schedule a free consultation with us today.
